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Contract Logix for Healthcare

Contract Logix is a data-driven contract lifecycle management solution that provides the ability to automate and streamline the drafting, negotiation, approval, execution, and management of contracts. Key features include a centralized and fully searchable contract repository with automated alerts for important dates, obligations, and milestones. Contract Logix supports visual contract workflows to automate business processes as well as contract authoring, redlining, approvals, e-signature integration, custom reports, and analytics/dashboards. Contract Logix's solution offers features to support every stage of the contract lifecycle management process from new contract requests to renewals, amendments, and terminations. Our solution allows clients to addresses both buy-side and sell-side contract management. The solution can be configured to an organizations’ specific contract management requirements and supports role-based and feature-based permissions to regulate user access. Every Contract Logix customer is assigned an experienced Customer Success Manager to help onboard, administer, and use the software. Also included is access to a 100% U.S.-based technical support team via phone, email, and online. Contract Logix is used by thousands of professionals at hundreds of brands across dozens of industries.

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